eGov and Digital Services Manager for the DNR Office of Communications. I am self-motivated, creative and a high achiever, with a focus on customer service and documenting results for continuous improvement. Strengths include excellent team building skills, time management, planning, and project management.
Built and managed a team of people in a diversified environment of many programs. I am self-motivated, creative and a high achiever, with a focus on customer service and documenting results for continuous improvement. Strengths include excellent team building skills, timemanagement, planning, and project management.
Have championed the use of the Internet since 1994. We were the first Maryland department to be online in March 1995, where I encouraged the use of the Internet to expand service, save resources and eventually generate revenue. Developed the policies for the department for website development, guidelines, copyright issues, privacy, content, external links, e-government/e-commerce, social media and new media partners. Worked at a statewide level regarding privacy issues for personally identifiable information that state agencies collect.
I managed the department’s website, which has well over 450,000 unique website users a month.
Established the first Maryland State government email newsletter as a text only monthly email newsletter in October 2003 with 489 opt-in subscribers. Grew that audience with over the years with transitioning over two platforms to an audience of over 500,000 opt-in subscribers, with a 20-30% open rate.
Championed a phone app that now has 150,000 users and continues to add additional features each year.
Created and managed the online store, shopdnr.com, which now generates $450,000+ a year.
Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County Maryland September 2012 – Present
- Worked as a team member of 2013 The Great Give, an online 24 hour fundraising event, for the benefit of Anne Arundel County nonprofits. Veronica Tovey of What’s Up Media and I were co-chairs of the 2015 Great Give, the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County’s 24 hour online giving campaign that benefited 160+ nonprofits in Anne Arundel County, Maryland (greatgiveaac.org). On May 5, 2015 (for 24 hours) we helped raise $907,862 from 7,780 gifts. Three years of experience gained in all facets of online fundraising campaigns.
- I have a donor-advised Fund with the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County called The Deems Digital Foundation, which helps nonprofits by providing technology or hardware to better serve their clients, connect with their existing supporters and build brand awareness with potential donors.
#MakingadifferenceFund December 2020 – Present
Annapolis, Maryland
Serve as the Trustee of the #MakingadifferenceFund
Medicine With a Mission, Inc. October 2016 – Present
Annapolis, Maryland
In October 2016, “Medicine with a Mission, Inc.” was founded. Our mission is to provide hope and healing to those in need. We build, cultivate, and maintain partnerships in order to develop innovative solutions for creating sustainable healthcare for all, including under-served populations in the United States and throughout the world. Serve as executive director.
Ed Block Courage Awards Foundation August 2015 – Present
Baltimore, MD
I serve on the board of the Ed Block Courage Award Foundation. Ed Block Courage Award Foundation (501(C)(3) is partnered with the NFL to raise awareness for at-risk youth. In 2016 I was elected to serve as the Vice President.
Blue Ribbon Project November 2018 – Present
Crownsville, Maryland
Served on the leadership committee for this nonprofit and help where needed. My focus is to develop a YouTube channel for life skills training for foster children who will be aging out of the system at 18 years of age. The project is funded by the Annapolis Rotary, Phillips Charitable Foundation and the Deems Digital Foundation.
Hospice of the Chesapeake December 2015 – Present
Pasadena, Maryland
Serve on the Gala Committee as a team member helping with ideas and resources for the event annual event. Also with projects with Chesapeake Kids, a program within hospice. Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons Palatine, Illinois October 2019 – Present Serve on the development committee to assist with establishing a few projects.
Parole Rotary July 2020 – Present
Annapolis, Maryland
President-Elect as of July 2022. Will be President in July 2023.